Audio for your IoT control panel

It’s relatively simple to add sound to a web based control panel for your home. The only drawback is you’re not always looking at it, your browser may not play sounds from a window or tab not focused, etc.

A good alternative is to have a device hooked to a speaker so you can play notification sounds. The Prusa 3D printer company shared a great build article on creating your own talking ClapTrap robot from the game Borderlands (completely stupid, and nothing but fun). That project used a cheap device that plays MP3s from an SD card. Which is pretty much perfect for this application.

It’s a happy coincidence that the same card is supported in Tasmota already.

Stay tuned… I’ll give you details of my build after it gets closer to completion:

— Edit: —

I got some time to work on the case design for a small speaker. The one pictured above is nearly inaudible. Here’s the front half:

The research on the MP3 player was a bit depressing. I’ve been told there are several knock off versions floating around with no clear way, electronically or otherwise, to determine which they are. They have different behaviors so getting your project working is never going to be plug and play with this board. I’ll do a little looking to see if there’s a better one. Maybe an MP3 decoder can be put on the 8266 and used with an I2C DAC chip.

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