Tales from the messagebox: Database horror tales

In one sense it’s not the worst code I’ve ever seen. In another, it is.

The worst I recall was when a Visual Basic (6) coder created an application that implemented the real estate licensing test. After completing the test for one state they were asked to implement a second. So they opened the visual layout editor and proceeded to draw the second quiz form on top of the first one.

Imagine trying to maintain two forms jumbled on top of one another. In the form open event he made all the controls for the selected state visible, and all the others invisible. It was awful, but understandable. If you weren’t aware you could have two forms and just load the one you needed…

I think I want to give the title of worst to the guy (or girl) who created a database with primary keys that are the datetime type. It worked when it was tested with an empty database. Now I’ve got to support the thing with millions of rows and I’m not allowed to fix it. “It will cost too much.” It’s okay to let it randomly fail when you get collisions, perform badly, and pay for tech support to handle tickets though.

Small things do matter, and bad choices do come back to haunt you.

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